Unlock Numerical Secrets with the Greek Gematria Calculator Online

Delving into the world of ancient numerology can truly be an enthralling experience, and central to this intriguing journey stands the remarkable Greek Gematria Calculator. By translating Greek words and phrases into numerical values, this tool opens doors into mystical realms often hidden in plain sight. Let’s set out to explore the specifics of how this captivating calculator operates, how it facilitates the understanding of Greek Gematria, and how to effectively utilize it for your research.

Understanding the Greek Gematria Calculator

The Greek Gematria Calculator is a unique tool that enables the user to unlock the numerical secrets concealed within Greek words and phrases. Its functionality rests on the principle of Greek Gematria, a form of numerology that assigns numerical values to each Greek letter. This system allows us to calculate the gematria value of any word or phrase in the Greek language. But how does this intricate calculator work? Let’s delve into the underlying formula.

Formula for the Greek Gematria Calculator

To calculate the Gematria value of a Greek word or phrase, we first require an understanding of the assigned numerical values to each Greek letter. A comprehensive table illustrating the numerical value for each letter of the Greek alphabet can facilitate this process.

Greek Letters and Their Corresponding Numerical Values

Here’s a list of the Greek alphabet with corresponding Gematria values:

  • Alpha (Α) = 1
  • Beta (Β) = 2
  • Gamma (Γ) = 3
  • Delta (Δ) = 4
  • Epsilon (Ε) = 5
  • Zeta (Ζ) = 7
  • Eta (Η) = 8
  • Theta (Θ) = 9
  • Iota (Ι) = 10
  • Kappa (Κ) = 20
  • Lambda (Λ) = 30
  • Mu (Μ) = 40
  • Nu (Ν) = 50
  • Xi (Ξ) = 60
  • Omicron (Ο) = 70
  • Pi (Π) = 80
  • Rho (Ρ) = 100
  • Sigma (Σ) = 200 (final sigma, ς = 200)
  • Tau (Τ) = 300
  • Upsilon (Υ) = 400
  • Phi (Φ) = 500
  • Chi (Χ) = 600
  • Psi (Ψ) = 700
  • Omega (Ω) = 800
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By integrating this knowledge of the Greek alphabet’s numerical values, calculating the gematria value of any Greek word becomes feasible.

General Terms and Greek Gematria Values

In embracing the mystic wonders of Greek Gematria, we’ve compiled a list of essential Greek terms and their corresponding gematria values for your exploration. In doing so, you save time without needing to manually calculate each word. This table provides instant access to the gematria values of popular Greek words, making it functional for gematria enthusiasts and researchers alike.

Table of Greek Terms and their Gematria Values

Greek Term Gematria Value
Αγάπη (Love) 13
Σοφία (Wisdom) 781
Ελπίδα (Hope) 153
Ειρήνη (Peace) 261
Χαρά (Joy) 611

Using the Greek Gematria Calculator: An Example

The functionality and application of the Greek Gematria Calculator can be best explained through an example. Suppose you come across the Greek word “Αλήθεια” (Truth) and wish to determine its gematria value. Thanks to our easy reference table, you determine that the gematria value for “Αλήθεια” is 64.

Frequently Asked Questions About Greek Gematria Calculator

1. What is gematria?

Gematria is an ancient form of numerology that assigns numerical values to letters. In the Greek language, every letter has a unique numerical value. By summing up the values of the letters in a word or phrase, its gematria value can be calculated. Find more details about this practice on Britannica.

2. Is gematria still in use today?

While gematria is not extensively used today, it remains an intriguing study area for those interested in ancient languages and mystical traditions.

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3. How can I use the Greek Gematria calculator?

You can simply input a Greek word or phrase into the Greek Gematria calculator, which will then provide its gematria value. The already provided reference table can be utilised for quick cross-referencing.

4. Where can I find more Greek words and their gematria values?

You can use the online Greek Gematria Calculator for any Greek word or phrase to determine its corresponding gematria value.

5. Does every Greek word have a numerical equivalent?

Yes, each Greek letter has a corresponding numerical value. As such, every Greek word, being a combination of these letters, indeed has a numerical equivalent.


The Greek Gematria Calculator is an intriguing tool that helps us uncover the numerical mysteries hidden within Greek words and phrases. Whether you’re a researcher, a number enthusiast, or a student of ancient languages or mysticism, you’ll find this calculator to be a valuable asset in your investigations. By calculating the gematria value of Greek words and phrases, you can journey deeper into the fascinating world of ancient numerology and find profound insights beneath the surface.